Account Preferences

Account preferences allows you the control to manage the particulars of how your account will perform, who has access and what they can do.

  • Account Drop Down

Personal Information

Adjust information about your account here, including name, email, mobile number, account password & billing address details.

Dual Factor Device Setup

Enable dual factor authentication on your account by registering a device.

Account Setup

Adjust options which effect how the app works for you and your members. Options include:

Allow multiple payments to be made against a single Payment Request.FalseMore Info


Add and edit team members who can have access to your account. Set access rights with preset Roles or custom permissions.

Account Changes

View an audit of changes that have been carried out within your account over time.

Multiple payments on a Payment Request.

If enabled, users processing Open Banking payments will be able to reuse the Payment Request multiple times to complete payments.

It is important to ensure that if your own system receives webhooks from the Vendreo platform - that your system supports multiple payment_started, payment_cancelled, payment_consent_recieved, payment_completed, payment_failed & payment_confirmed on a Payment Request.

Having this option disabled will push the user down a route that displays a notice informing them This payment request is no longer active. as well as a button leading them to the completed payments redirect url.