Getting Started

  1. Sign up here for a free Vendreo account.

  2. Tell us about you.

    • Upon registering you will be presented with the Create Payment Profile screen. Click outside the modal to close it and click on the red Details link at the top of the screen to open the KYC application.
    • Tell us about your business by filling in the KYC (Know Your Customer) form. Once approved your account will have card integrations enabled.
  3. Creating a Payment Profile.

    • Once your account is approved you will receive email confirmation, it's now time to setup a Payment Profile.
    • Select Payment Profiles from the menu followed by Create New Profile. Specify your Profile Name, Display Label, set a Type of Card as well as which Merchant Profile to use.
  4. Integrating your website (optional).

    • To integrate with your site and access the API you must submit the KYC form. For more info on this see point 2 above.
    • Edit your Payment Profile, choose the API Settings tab and click the Generate Secret button (your token will only be shown once, so keep it somewhere safe).
    • Optionally, if you want to keep your payment profile informed about payments, you'll need to add a Callback URL in the edit section.