Active Institutions
Here is a full list of all the banks Vendreo supports for Open Banking.
Institution Name | Institution Key | Environment |
AIB GB Business | aibgbbusiness | LIVE |
AIB GB Personal | aibgb | LIVE |
AIB NI (First Trust) Business | firsttrustbankbusiness | LIVE |
AIB NI (First Trust) Personal | firsttrustbank | LIVE |
Bank of Ireland Business UK | bankofirelandbusiness_uk | LIVE |
Bank of Ireland UK | bankofireland_uk | LIVE |
Bank of Scotland (Business) | bankofscotlandbusiness | LIVE |
Bank of Scotland (Personal) | bankofscotland | LIVE |
Barclaycard | barclaycard | LIVE |
Barclaycard Commercial | barclaycard-commercial-payments | LIVE |
Barclays Business | barclays_business | LIVE |
Barclays Corporate | barclays_corporate | LIVE |
Barclays Personal | barclays | LIVE |
Barclays Wealth | barclays_wealth | LIVE |
Cash Plus | cashplus | LIVE |
Chelsea Building Society | chelseabuildingsociety | LIVE |
Coutts & Company | coutts | LIVE |
Cumberland Building Society | cumberlandbuildingsociety | LIVE |
Danske Bank | danskebank_uk | LIVE |
Danske Bank Business UK | danskebankbusiness_uk | LIVE |
First Direct | firstdirect | LIVE |
Halifax Personal | halifax | LIVE |
HSBC Personal | hsbc_uk | LIVE |
HSBC UK Business | hsbcbusiness_uk | LIVE |
Lloyds (Business) | lloydsbusiness | LIVE |
Lloyds (Personal) | lloyds | LIVE |
Monzo | monzo_ob | LIVE |
Nationwide | nationwide | LIVE |
Natwest | natwest | LIVE |
Natwest Bankline | natwestbusiness | LIVE |
Payoneer | payoneer | LIVE |
Revolut | revolut | LIVE |
Royal Bank of Scotland | rbs | LIVE |
Royal Bank of Scotland Bankline | rbsbusiness | LIVE |
Santander | santander_uk | LIVE |
Starling Bank | starling | LIVE |
Tesco Bank | tescobank | LIVE |
Tide | tide | LIVE |
TSB Bank | tsb | LIVE |
Ulster Bank (UK) | ulsterbank_uk | LIVE |
Virgin Money | virginmoney | LIVE |
Virgin Money (Essential) | virginmoney_essential | LIVE |
Yorkshire Bank | yorkshirebank | LIVE |
Yorkshire Building Society | yorkshirebuildingsociety | LIVE |
AIB Sandbox | aibgb-sandbox | SANDBOX |
Bank of Scotland Sandbox | bankofscotland-sandbox | SANDBOX |
Barclays Sandbox | barclays-sandbox | SANDBOX |
Cumberland Building Society Sandbox | cumberlandbuildingsociety-sandbox | SANDBOX |
Halifax Sandbox | halifax-sandbox | SANDBOX |
Lloyds Bank Sandbox | lloyds-sandbox | SANDBOX |
MBNA Bank Sandbox | mbna-sandbox | SANDBOX |
Modelo Sandbox | modelo-sandbox | SANDBOX |
Natwest Bank Sandbox | natwest-sandbox | SANDBOX |
PayPal Sandbox | paypal-sandbox | SANDBOX |
Royal Bank of Scotland Sandbox | rbs-sandbox | SANDBOX |
Sainsbury's Bank Sandbox | sainsburysbank-sandbox | SANDBOX |
Tesco Bank Sandbox | tescobank-sandbox | SANDBOX |
Vanquis Bank Sandbox | vanquis-bank-sandbox | SANDBOX |